Plan National de Stockage des Produits Agricoles au Sénégal

📆 Le 17 avril 2024, Globaltec a présenté à son client sénégalais, l’ORSRE (Organe de Régulation du Système de Récépissé d’Entrepôt, dépendant du Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie), les résultats des travaux réalisés dans le cadre du « Master Plan – Plan National d’Entrepôt de Produits Agricoles ». L’objectif de ce Master Plan est de réaliser une étude pour le développement d’un réseau national du système d’entrepôt de produits agricoles au Sénégal. ✅

Globaltec est très fier d’avoir réalisé cette étude en collaboration avec l’ Organe de Régulation du Système de Régulation de Marchandises au Sénégal (ORSRE), à travers une équipe technique multinationale, avec le soutien des techniciens locaux. La mise en route de ce réseau d’infrastructures de stockage contribuera à renforcer et développer la chaîne de valeur agricole au Sénégal, tout en améliorant la sécurité et la souveraineté alimentaire du pays, question cruciale en Afrique.

📈 📉 Commanditée par l’administration publique de la République du Sénégal, au sein de l’actuel Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie du Sénégal, l’étude a été réalisée par Globaltec et financée à travers le Programme FIEM Non Remboursable du Ministère de l’Économie, du Commerce et de l’Industrie et le Bureau Économique et Commercial de l’Ambassade d’Espagne à Dakar dans le cadre du Plan de Récupération, Transformation et Résilience du Gouvernement espagnol, financé par le biais de fonds de l’Union européenne (NextGenerationEU) et géré par l’ICO et Deutsche Bank.

#wegetitdone #globaltec #dakar #fondsnextgeneration #ods2030 #afrique

Project for the construction of urban roads and other infrastructure in Angola

Construcción de vías urbanas en Angola

This week, several partial openings took place for the Project to Build Urban Roadways and Other Infrastructure that Globaltec has been carrying out for the provincial government of Zaire in Angola.

Urban roads opened in the municipalities of M’banza-Kongo, Noqui, and Cuimba, with ceremonies presided over by Her Excellency the Deputy Governor of Infrastructure and Technical Services, Ms. Ângela Maria Botelho de Carvalho Diogo, representing His Excellency the Provincial Governor, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho. Also present were officials from the local administration, traditional authorities, and the community in general, as well as representatives from Globaltec.

Globaltec Ingenieria, construcción de vias urbanas en Angola

The projects inaugurated this week include 13 kilometres of urban roads in the aforementioned municipalities.

Under this project, roadways are being built in the municipalities of Tomboco, Soyo, and Nzeto, in addition to two municipal hospitals, two schools, and two residences for technicians, which are in the advanced phase and will be completed soon.

With the construction of these urban roadways, residents will benefit from the new infrastructure, which provides access to essential services, such as education, healthcare, and transportation.

At Globaltec, we are proud to contribute to the sustainable development of communities in Angola. We remain committed to this goal and continue working to carry out projects that have a positive impact

Improve irrigation efficiency using moisture sensors

Improve irrigation

Did you know that 80% of all water consumption in Spain goes to agriculture? Spain is the European country with the largest area dedicated to irrigation and our crops consume one-third of the average annual water that nature provides from rivers, reservoirs, and aquifers.

Today, water scarcity is a limiting factor in many Spanish water basins, with concerning prospects in the short-term due to climate change. It is vitally important to use the recourses we have sustainably and efficiently and prioritize the modernisation irrigation processes.

Improve irrigation

Moisture sensors can significantly improve irrigation efficiency, providing real-time information about soil moisture and enabling the optimisation of irrigation frequency and duration. This not only helps minimise water waste but can improve crop yields and reduce operating costs.

Additionally, sensors enable the more sustainable use of fertilizers by reducing the environmental impact of excess leaching, run-off, and spillage.

At Globaltec, we are aware of the importance of these systems and we aim to integrate them into our irrigation projects, coupled with proper training and supervision programmes.



Agroecology is an agricultural production system that aims to integrate technical, technological, and scientific advances to achieve sustainable and profitable agriculture that allows for the coexistence of food production and the protection of nature. According to the FAO definition, “Agroecology is a scientific discipline, a set of practices, and a social movement”.

The current agricultural production system seeks to standardise processes in order to serve a global market, so any producer, regardless of origin, can position their products in markets around the world. This production system alters traditional production methods, traditional varieties, and imposes mechanisation, yields, and standardisation.


Agroecology is a commitment to respect biodiversity in the agricultural sector, so that traditional varieties and traditional practices can coexist with market needs and technical and technological advances. The objective is to ensure the quality and quantity of the food supply, guarantee an adequate standard of living for producers, and balance production with respect for nature and biodiversity.

In its agricultural projects, Globaltec integrates traditional methods and local varieties with technical advances to extract the best of each.

Non-Revenue Water

Non-Revenue Water

💧 Water is a scarce and natural resource for human life. It is a fundamental right, according to the United Nations, and has a direct impact on the economy of countries. Governments not only have the obligation to provide the infrastructure and resources necessary for its supply, but must also optimise the processes of extraction, distribution, and consumption.

In water distribution networks, Non-Revenue Water refers to the losses that occur within the network before reaching the final consumer, which are ultimately not billed. According to World Bank estimates, in emerging countries, approximately 35-50% of treated water is lost during the distribution process. This loss jeopardises the economic viability of the investments made, leading to a rapid degradation and abandonment of the existing infrastructures and services. 🔝

Non-Revenue Water

Globaltec has developed a comprehensive management plan that provides a better understanding of distribution network and their hydraulic performance, so we can better anticipate possible leaks, the early degradation of materials, and any potential sabotage. 💧

This integrated solution  is based on the use of hydraulic modelling and geolocation programmes such as arc-GIS, the installation of sensors for leak detection and pressure optimisation, the analysis of performance indicators, and the creation of water balances. In addition, we include a specific training plan to ensure correct implementation and use. 🌳

Agriculture and agro-industry projects

Globaltec ingenieria, Agriculture and agro-industry projects

Agriculture and agro-industry, one of our focus sectors. We offer a comprehensive service for these types of projects.

Our range of activities covers: 
Field Selection and Soil Preparation according to each crop 
Technification of irrigation for efficient water use 
Provide equipment appropriate to the land and crop (irrigation equipment, tillage equipment, harvesting equipment, storage equipment, etc.).

 We advise you on your project

#Globaltec #Agriculture #Agroindustry #IndustrialProjects #RenewableEnergy

Globaltec ingenieria, Agriculture and agro-industry projects

Agricultural Warehouses in Agri-Food Development

Globaltec ingenieria, Agricultural Warehouses

Throughout history, food storage systems have been necessary to ensure food preservation. Thus, the primary function of agricultural warehouses has been to ensure the supply of food to the population, thus contributing to economic and population growth.

Thanks to globalization, we can access food from a variety of sources, all of which are in optimal conditions for consumption. We will focus on agricultural warehouses, which are the first link in the chain, as they directly receive production from the field. In them, the crops are received, conditioned and homogenized, and the farmer is given an appropriate price for his product. This allows reinvestment in production and maintenance of activity, contributing to economic growth and population fixation in rural areas.

Globaltec ingenieria, Agricultural Warehouses

Agricultural warehouses continue to fulfil their function: to ensure the supply of food in quantity and quality, guaranteeing producers fair prices. In this regard, Globaltec is working on the development of a national storage system for agricultural products in Senegal that will meet the needs of rural areas. Developing agricultural storage logistics in developing countries is crucial to achieving the goal of « Zero Hunger » (SDG 2) and the goal of « Sustainable Cities and Communities » (SDG 11), contributing to the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda.

Agrotech y las tecnologías aplicadas en desarrollos de Globaltec

Proyectos de ingeniería - agroindustria

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