Did you know that 80% of all water consumption in Spain goes to agriculture? Spain is the European country with the largest area dedicated to irrigation and our crops consume one-third of the average annual water that nature provides from rivers, reservoirs, and aquifers.
Today, water scarcity is a limiting factor in many Spanish water basins, with concerning prospects in the short-term due to climate change. It is vitally important to use the recourses we have sustainably and efficiently and prioritize the modernisation irrigation processes.

Moisture sensors can significantly improve irrigation efficiency, providing real-time information about soil moisture and enabling the optimisation of irrigation frequency and duration. This not only helps minimise water waste but can improve crop yields and reduce operating costs.
Additionally, sensors enable the more sustainable use of fertilizers by reducing the environmental impact of excess leaching, run-off, and spillage.
At Globaltec, we are aware of the importance of these systems and we aim to integrate them into our irrigation projects, coupled with proper training and supervision programmes.