The 2030 Agenda has put the focus on sustainability, but what is sustainability? in 1987, the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations defined sustainability as growth that allows “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. It is a way of doing things that goes beyond production and is linked to the concept of society.
Agriculture is no stranger to sustainability, it has always sought to do “more with less” and to take care of its production factors: land, livestock, seeds, fertilisers… For agricultural production activity, sustainability is an everyday occurrence, reflected in the correct use of inputs, in the protection of land against erosion and in the care of the legacy.

New technologies are a further ally in sustainability, precision agriculture allows optimising the use of inputs, drones allow localised treatments and exhaustive control of growth, “Smart Farming”, hydroponics, among others, are tools available to producers that favour sustainability.
The great challenge is to introduce the concept of sustainability in developing countries, adapting traditional methods in a way that respects nature. Globaltec is committed to including sustainable development in its projects.